Wednesday, December 3, 2008


There was a mouse in my house!!!! We (I mean my husband) caught it last night. Hopefully, there aren't anymore. We have a huge cane field behind my house that they cut not to long ago. I told my husband on the day that they were cutting it... I could just see all those little critters staking out my house! So, he or she is gone! Thank God, even more so because my husband is still home! When and if they call him to go offshore, I have no idea what I will do with any mice that we catch. Good thing I have daughters, huh?

So, yeah, this week is my husbands days to work. They should have called him Monday, but guess what.... they didn't. That is just fine by me.... I LOVE having him home. I get more cranky when he is gone... like I am mad at him for leaving me!

Tomorrow night is also the Christmas Stroll in Downtown Abbeville, and that is a special thing for us because that is where we had our first date.... awwwwww! ::sigh:: So, it is gonna be fun. Although, we actually started dating on December 5th. This time of year is my favorite, simply because of the fact that it is the time of year that I fell for the man of my dreams... ha!

Well, I guess that will be all for today! Gotta put a fire under my oldest one to finish school... you would think she would be the first to be done... Maybe I'm wrong!

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