Friday, December 12, 2008

One bird at a time!

Noo... I am not an animal rights activist, but I'm sure I looked like one today. I was coming back from Wal-Mart and I was turning on to a highway and there was a little bird squatting in the road (on the lane beside me). Let me make it clear that this is a country highway.. not a city highway. A lady turns in that lane and the little bird never moves and we were scared she hit it, but she didn't. So, she stops and I decided to get out (with a towel) to move the bird. I walk up to it and bend down to carefully pick it up. It squawks and jumps out my hand, runs across the street (almost getting hit), and hides in the grass. By this time, there are cars all around waiting for me to move this little bird! It was hilarious!!! I told my girls that they probably thought I was trying to save the bird population, one bird at a time!!!!

1 comment:

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I have a soft spot for little birds, so bless your heart! I'm enjoying reading your posts and am admiring your addressing the blended family topics.