Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yes, I am writing this at 12:44 AM!

I have a problem.. You may have heard of it before. Its very horrible, and its called "I can't sleep when my husband isn't here!" Which, also, is a slight problem, because he is only home one week out of the month. Yes, you heard right one.week.a.month.

The good news is.. my little hunnie bunn (a.k.a Gabriel, the grandson) is here to snuggle with me. Well, actually he is snuggling by himself since I haven't quite made it to bed yet.

We had a very uneventful day. Surprisingly, this isn't a new thing. Laundry didn't get done, and we got to visit my aunt (for the The little girls had a Junior Youth Service at church tonight. Which was kind of like free time, but kind of not..

My lovely lovely sister (yes, she is that lovely) mopped my floors today, and wiped every surface in my kitchen down today.. I didn't even know that thingy-ma-bobber could come off the bottom of the fridge. Learn something new

So, now I'm trying to fall asleep. Which is very difficult.. seeing I haven't even laid my head on the pillow. What?! I'm not even tired!

Tomorrow will be another attempt at finishing up my laundry. Can you imagine how many loads of laundry a family of 6 can produce?? You DON'T want to know!! Here is the best part.. when my husband is home, he totally makes up for all the time he is gone because my laundry automatically DOUBLES. Thanks Love.

Well, I'm so glad that I was able to share all this wonderful information about my life that I just had to get off my chest.


1 comment:

mz.unique91 said...

her lovely sister (yes im that lovely) would be me :))
♥ paige