Friday, October 22, 2010

The Fluffernutter...

I was intrigued when I kept seeing marshmellow fluff and peanut butter combos recently on a couple different blogs. I came across a post at The Great Balancing Act about a Fluffernutter sandwich and knew I had to try it.

Funny thing is.. it was actually consuming my thoughts. On the way to drop off the little girls at their momma's house, the oldest one was telling me something and I never heard a word. Instead, I looked at her so intensly that she asked me what I was thinking.. All I could say was....

"I need to buy some marshmellow fluff."

It was bad y'all!

So, we went to the Wal-Marts and I got me some marshmellow fluff. As soon I got home, I made a half sammy of peanut butter (chunky) and marshmellow fluff..

It was good, but I don't know if it was worth the wasted calories. Its a very expensive snack!!

Even though, I will eat it again. I'm thinking that I need to go a little easier on the peanut butter.

I might even try dipping some strawberries in it...

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